Tema za hormone in hormonsko ravnovesje - nasveti, spopadanje s težavami...
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Že kakšnih 6 let se borim z neuravnovešenimi hormoni.
Zadnje leto in pol se je to še bolj očitno izrazilo v grozljivih migrenah (vedno z bruhanjem), ki so se mi pojavile v sredini cikla in pa po koncu menstruacije. Moji simptomi so še pridobivanje teže, nočno potenje, jutranje vrtoglavice, zelo nizek pritisk, povečano izpadanje las, utrujenost, izredno suha koža, neprestano me zebe, krči v nogah, otečeni gležnji, močne bolečine v prsih v času pred menstruacijo in pa zelo zmanjšana toleranca za stres.
Šla sem na vse mogoče preiskave, ki so mi pokazale le to, da imam precej povišan kortizol, kar se mi je zdelo čudno, saj nimam nekih zelo stresnih situacij v življenju v zadnjih letih. Ostali hormoni naj bi bili "v mejah normale", a obstaja sum na premalo delujočo ščitnico. Kri imam sicer ok, brez kakšnih pomanjkanj.
When you eat a raw carrot, its fibre binds to excess estrogen hormone, and helps to safely pull it out of your body. Carrot fibre also prevents estrogen from being reabsorbed in the intestine, which can happen when transit time is slow. This is important because too much estrogen (whether produced by the body, the diet or from exposure to xenoestrogens in the environment) can lead to all kinds of hormonal disruptions, including PMS, mood disorders and acne.
Another important benefit is that unlike other fibres, the raw carrot fibre helps to lower the number of bad bacteria (also known as endotoxin) in the gut. What does bacteria have to do with hormones? Well, here's the kicker. Intestinal bacteria is usually one of the main problems causing hormonal imbalance. The bacteria creates a chronic burden for the liver, keeping it from its regular job of processing and eliminating hormones.
But here's the amazing part. Within just a few days of regularly eating a raw carrot daily, the balance can start to shift away from high endotoxin, high cortisol and high estrogen. Healthier hormonal patterns can make a big difference in how you feel AND maybe even the look of your skin! Some of the hormonal issues that a daily raw carrot may help with include PMS, acne, headaches, allergies and low thyroid. How's that for hormonal balance?!