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Garnier Pure A

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#1 DiLeMa


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Posted 22 September 2005 - 01:24 PM

Na tržišče je prišla nova kremica iz linije Garnier Skin Naturals - Garnier Pure A.

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''Imperfections aren't just a teenage problem. That's why we developed Garnier Pure A Daily Treatment moisturiser for women of all ages. It is is an ultra light gel-cream that penetrates the skin instantly leaving a pleasant, refreshing sensation. Your skin is purified and refined, yet supple.

Blemishes and skin problems in adulthood are different from those suffered by teenagers. They are not only related to stress and exhaustion but also hormonal changes and pollution. Persistent imperfections such as black heads, enlarged pores and spots affect a growing number of women irrespective of whether they were prone to acne as a teenager.''

Po netu sem iskala če bi se dalo kje dobit sestavine te kremice, pa jih ni nikjer. Piše samo tole:

''Garnier Pure A daily treatment moisturiser with cucumber essence combines two simultaneous actions in one product. It rids the skin of impurities day after day thanks to its formula that contains salicyclic acid and zinc active ingredients recognized by dermatologists for their purifying and regulating properties, and it contains palm plant glycerol, an ultra effective moisturising ingredient which leaves skin feeling soft and comfortable.''

Se mi pa zdi, vsaj po opisu sodeč, da mora bit to zadeva zelo podobna kakšnemu Vichy-jevemu Normadermu.

A mogoče katera ve, če je to pri nas že v prodaji?
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Ljubezen ni odraz enega samega dogodka, enega samega pogleda ali dotika. Ljubezen se v človeka prikrade počasi in potiho ... in potem se enkrat enostavno zaveš, da imaš nekoga neskončno rad. Zaradi množice vseh njegovih dejanj, pogledov, besed, dotikov, čutenj ... ki ga delajo takšnega, kot je. Mogoče se tega zaveš medtem, ko misliš nanj in ga neskončno pogrešaš, ali pa ko ga pogledaš v oči in v njih najdeš vse, kar obožuješ.

#2 Matilda


    Snowflake on fire

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Posted 26 September 2006 - 04:09 PM

Jst mam Garnier HautklarA. Ta Garnier ma ful čudn vse skupi. Od trgovine do trgovine se pojavljajo različna imena za enake izdelke. Tako sem v Nami videla Garnier Pure, iz Mullerja je pa sestra prinesla Hautklar. Pa je pomoje isto.
DiLeMa, a je to ta zadeva:My Webpage
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Pa kakšna je še razlika med zgornjo in tole:
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Ker od moje so sestavine identične zgornji.
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