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Microdermabrasion Crystals

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#1 rona



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Posted 25 July 2007 - 01:41 PM

Bi tole spodaj šlo, al bolj ne bi šlo hmm.gif ?

Microdermabrasion Crystals

Microdermabrasion is a skin refining technique used in the finest spas and dermatological offices in the world. It works by using specially treated Aluminum oxide crystals to "sand" away the top layers of the epidermis using machine that blasts the crystals against your skin. By stripping away the dead and dull layers of your skin, smoother, more even toned skin is revealed, skin with a healthy glow and clear pores. Current research is showing a strong correlation between acne management and the importance of keeping the skin exfoliated to prevent a buildup of bacteria that causes outbreaks. There is also the added benefit of enhancing the ability of the skin to absorb your treatment program of choice more fully and evenly after a dermabrasion treatment, while buffing your skin to the perfect complexion you desire.

Dermabrasion treatments average around $220 (plasticsurgerycostsforum.com) and several treatments are needed to see optimal results! It has recently been discovered that manual application of the same Aluminum oxide crystals offers the same results and benefits that the mechanically applied crystals do! By following the detailed instructions included with the crystals, you can see the amazing results while saving hundreds of dollars over spa and doctor treatments.

Full ounce (30g) of medical grade, fused Aluminum oxide crystals. This is enough crystal for 2-3 months of bi-weekly facial treatments. These are the same crystals you would find in your dermatologist's office. These crystals are sold loose, and there is a very important reason for this. Many of the at home dermabrasion kits use heavy, lipid rich creams as the suspension base for the crystals. While this may be fine for someone with very dry tough skin, it can wreak havoc on sensitive, oily or acne prone skin! The crystals may do a great job, but if the cream they are in causes a breakout or reaction, then how is this a benefit? By shipping the crystals loose, each client can safely and easily add them to their favorite cleanser or cream, one for their specific skin type and one that they know works with their skin. This product is compatible with all skin care lines that you may choose. This customizable format allows everyone to use this powerful skin resurfacing tool to accommodate their own skin type. The crystals can also be used with just water, to keep the system as simple and pure as possible! And as an added bonus, the crystals are not just for use on your face! They can be used on any part of the body where you need smoother, more even toned skin. Decollate, hands, elbows, knees, feet, anywhere where rough skin is a problem, skin that has been sun damaged and photo aged or just where you would like better absorption of product (lotions, creams, peeling agents, etc).

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#2 Ancka Pomarancka

Ancka Pomarancka

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Posted 26 July 2007 - 09:48 AM

Če se že misliš it mikrodermabrazijo, naj ti to počne izkušen dermatolog specialist. Ne vem pa razloga, zakaj bi se šla to. Jaz sem imela veliko hudih brazgotin od aken. Zato sem šla na kemični piling.
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