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#1 Plain Jane

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Posted 04 May 2008 - 08:47 AM

Poznate Oil Cleansing Method? Gre za čiščenje obraza (primerno tudi za mastno kožo) z ricinusovim oljem.

Jaz si najprej odprem pore (najbolje v kopalnici), na suh obraz nanesem olje, malo vmasiram in dam čez obraz vročo mokro brisačko. Počakam toliko časa, da se brisačka ohladi, preostanek olja zopet vmasiram in obrišem z mokro krpico (lahko tudi namočeno v kamilice). Včasih si stisnem še ogrce, grejo lažje ven.
Skratka, meni to odgovarja, koža je lepo nahranjena in ne opažam novih mozoljev.
Včasih sem ful prakticirala to, potem se pa malo polenila. oops.gif

Pa še en članek in podroben postopek...

A basic tenet of any chemistry is the concept that "like dissolves like". In other words, polar substance tend to form solution with one another, and that nonpolar substances tend to form solutions with one another. Polar and nonpolar substance do not tend to form solutions with one another, however. Oil, a non-polar substance, will never form a bond with water or another polar substance, which is the mechanism by which solubility is attained. In laypeople's language, oil can only be dissolved, or broken down, by something that is like it. What is more like oil than oil itself? Oil, in itself, does not cause pimples or blackheads. Cysts, pimples, blackheads and other blemishes are a result of several factors, including heredity, hormones, bacteria, dirt and grime and buildup of foreign substances. Oil is naturally occuring in skin, and is a signal that your epidermis is effectively cleansing and protecting itself. It lubricates and protects skin, while moisturizing and minimizing fine lines and wrinkles. Using the Oil Cleansing Method allows skin to be cleaned without disturbing its natural pH levels or stripping its healthy production of oil, which even the gentlest soap or chemical cleanser can do. There are many oils that are suitable for cleaning the face, but some are better suited than others to attain a balance of cleansing and moisturizing.
Olive Oil is used for moisture, while Castor Oil is used for cleansing. Grapeseed and almond oils leave little residue, and are less oily feeling than many oils, and this combination allows the Castor Oil to travel deep into dirty pores and draw out the dirt and grime. Olive Oil is incredibly high in antioxidants, while Castor Oil is renowned for drawing and healing. Castor Oil has been the focus of many books and medical discussion because of its seemingly "magical" healing properties. It only makes sense (after a bit of research) that one would use Castor Oil on their face to help treat blemishes and acne, or simply to make their skin look and feel better.

How to Cleanse with Oil:
1. Liberally apply a layer of oil to the face. You may also apply to the neck and chest. Oil should be applied over any dirt, grime or makeup.
2. Run a face cloth under very hot water, wring it out and drape over skin. Relax for a few moments, until cloth is room temperature.
3. Massage oil into steamed pores for at least 60 seconds, and up to 5 minutes. Concentrate on trouble areas, such as chin, forehead and nose, where blackheads tend to form. Be very cautious and maintain a gentle touch, and do not scrub, or skin will be raw and tender.
4. Steam face again, using a hot face cloth to open pores and allow oil to loosen sebum trapped in skin. This step may be done a number of times, if skin is troubled or has tended toward breakouts.
5. Using a very soft face cloth (you may use the steam cloth, if it is very soft), gently wipe away all traces of oil. Again, be cautious and ensure that wiping is done very gently, or skin will become irritated. Flannel is an ideal fabric for this step, but any cloth may be used. Rinse cloth at intervals and continue to wipe away impurities and oil until face feels soft and there is no trace of oil left.
6. Splash face with cool water to close and seal cleaned pores.
7. Pat dry, and apply a very thin layer of moisturizer to face. One small drop should be plenty for moisturizing purposes. Rub between palms and massage into skin until no film is left. You may use the cleansing oil for this step. Many people find, especially during the warmer months, that the additional moisturizer is no longer necessary. The cleansing oil is enough moisture for many people's skin, in and of itself.
If you have had success with this method, and would like to simplify your routine, we recommend eliminating the first steaming session, massage face for approximately one minute, steam face through one cycle only, then wipe off oil and pat dry.

Vir: The Fashion Spot
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#2 Brokoli


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Posted 04 May 2008 - 10:33 AM

Ma ne vem. Men se zdi, da se mi še zmer mozolji delajo cry.gif .
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I wanna just dance, but he took me home instead, uh oh!There was a monster in my bed.

#3 ninaa



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Posted 04 May 2008 - 10:37 AM

No jaz tudi to delam že skor en mesec in morem rečt da mi kar pomaga. Novi mozolji se mi ne delajo. Jaz pa delam malo drugače. Na obraz si dam olje,malo masiram pol pa vročo brisačko dol,počakam da se ohladi in zbrišem. Tam piše da si masiraš po krpici vendar po moji logiki če tako delaš,maš po krpici odprte pore in če si pol še masiraš si to umazanijo notr v pore daš. Nevem,no. smile.gif Meni bolj ustreza da si pred krpico.
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#4 tyasa



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Posted 04 May 2008 - 10:42 AM

Jaz sem tudi to naredila ene 2x in nisem opazila nekih res opaznih rezultatov ker bi gotovo morala večkrat ponoviti, ampak mi je vse skupaj preveč packanja in se mi preprosto povedano tega ne da več delati oops.gif
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We must let go to live on.

#5 Zlatolaska



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Posted 04 May 2008 - 10:49 AM

Jaz sem to enkrat poskusila. Upam da so rezultati bolj dolgoročni,ker kratkoročnih ni laugh.gif . Edino kaj je, koža zgleda ful nahranjena. Ricinusovo olje pa mi ful smrdi. Jaz sem nardila tko:

* najprej očistla MU
* nanesla olje
* dala gor vročo brisačko,počakala da se ohladi, dala dol
* olje masirala v kožo
* spet dala vroćo brisačko..
* z robčkom obrisala ostanke olja
* malo stiskala oops.gif (zjutraj sem bila vsa rdeča v obraz)
* z obilico hladne vode zaprla pore
* namazala s kremo po pol ure
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Memento mori.

#6 Frčica


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Posted 04 May 2008 - 10:54 AM

QUOTE(tyasa @ 4. 5. 2008 - 11:42) View Post

Jaz sem tudi to naredila ene 2x in nisem opazila nekih res opaznih rezultatov ker bi gotovo morala večkrat ponoviti, ampak mi je vse skupaj preveč packanja in se mi preprosto povedano tega ne da več delati oops.gif

Enako. Mogoče se bom zdaj bolj spravila k temu...
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Ljudje imajo radi, da jim kaj poveš, v pravih količinah, v skromnem, zaupnem tonu, in mislijo, da te poznajo, ampak te ne poznajo, poznajo podatke o tebi, dobijo samo dejstva, ne občutkov, ne, kaj si misliš o čemer koli, ne, kako si zaradi stvari, ki so se ti zgodile ali si se odločil zanje, tak, kot si. Vse, kar naredijo, je, da te napolnijo s svojimi občutki in mnenji in opažanji in ustvarijo novo življenje, ki ima s tvojim  bolj malo zveze, in tako si varen. (Per Petterson: Konje krast)

#7 Plain Jane

Plain Jane

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Posted 03 December 2011 - 05:39 PM

Jaz sem se pa spet spomnila na tole, bom ponovno začela prakticirat. yes.gif
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#8 _Planet_


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Posted 10 January 2013 - 01:47 AM

PJ, namažeš olje tudi okoli oči?
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Rape of the mind is a social disorder...

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