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#121 Matilda


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Posted 03 February 2007 - 03:30 PM

Malo sem brskala po Eucerin kremah, pa sem mimogrede našla tole:

QUOTE(sonchika @ 14. 2. 2006 - 12:29) View Post
Tocopherol. To je vitamin E, ki pa je v klasičnih oblikah nestabilen. Najbolj se ohrani, če je pakiran v stiku in tako, da je čim manj na zraku. Če je nestabilen pomeni, da ni učinka od njega.
Drugače je, če je ta vitamin v acetatni obliki. Takrat je ob ustreznem hranjenju stabilen in je celo učinek od njega.

Zakaj zaboga sem pa potem non-stop mislila, da je Tocopherol boljši od Tocopheryl Acetate ? wacko.gif slap.gif
Hmm, pa katere oblike od najboljših antioksidantov (vitamini A, C, E) so najboljše?
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"Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding. The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another’s world. It requires profound purpose larger than the self kind of understanding."

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#122 Sarah


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Posted 03 February 2007 - 03:53 PM


Nivea Toddies gel je brez, tudi Bubchen malinova pena je brez SLS, pa poglej še druge stvari od Bubchen, je tudi pomoje še kej.
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Cosa vuoi che ti scriva?
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#123 sonchika



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Posted 04 February 2007 - 09:01 AM

Mateya, za ostale ne vem. Za tega pa je res tako.
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Z ljubeznijo je kakor s pečenko: čim starejši so zobje, tem mlajša mora biti jagnjetina.


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Posted 04 February 2007 - 06:39 PM

Sam neki bi dodala glede mineral oila in podobnih zadev.. meni so vsi produkti, ki so0 vsebovali kateregakoli od derivatov nafte, konkretno masili pore, ko sm se malo pozanimala, mi je blo receno tudi, da zaradi njih koza ne diha, pa tudi da prehajajo skozi kozo precej bolj, kot kake druge mascobe, kar pomeni, da prej in v vecjo kolicini pridejo v kri. A je kaj narobe s tem, ce mas nafto v krvi socer ne vem, ampak nimam namena niti preizkusat.
Se to.. v kozmeticni industriji nafto vecinoma uporabljajo namesto drugih mascob zato, ker je POCENI. Tako kot ponekod v gostilnah cvrejo na masti namesto olju, ker je poceni.
No ja, sicer pa naj bo vsak sam sodnik. Jaz se izdelkom z vsemi naftnimi derivati izogibam, ostali pa suit yourselves.

No, se tole:

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#125 Adriane


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Posted 10 February 2007 - 05:53 PM

Ravno to sem mislila vprašat. Zakaj je toliko govora o škodljivosti teh sestavin, ko sem pa sama našla druge opise le-teh? hmm.gif Čemu verjeti? huh.gif

mineral oil. Clear, odorless oil derived from petroleum that is widely used in cosmetics because it rarely causes allergic reactions and can't become a solid and clog pores. Despite mineral oil's association with petroleum and the hype that it is bad for skin, keep in mind that petroleum is a natural ingredient derived from the earth and that once it becomes mineral oil, it has no resemblance to the original petroleum. Cosmetics-grade mineral oil and petrolatum are considered the safest, most nonirritating moisturizing ingredients ever found (Sources: Cosmetics & Toiletries, January 2001, page 79; and Cosmetic Dermatology, September 2000, pages 44–46). Yes, they can keep air off the skin to some extent, but that's what a good antioxidant is supposed to do; they don't suffocate skin! Moreover, mineral oil and petrolatum are known to be efficacious in wound healing, and are also considered to be among the most effective moisturizing ingredients available (Source: Cosmetics & Toiletries, February 1998, pages 33–40). See Paula's article Mineral Oil

vir: http://www.cosmetics...D=M#mineral*oil

Mineral oil

petrolatum. Vaseline is pure petrolatum. For some unknown and unsubstantiated reason, petrolatum has attained a negative image in regard to skin care, despite good research to the contrary. Topical application of petrolatum can help the skin's outer layer recover from damage, reduce inflammation, and generally heal the skin (Source: Acta Dermato-Venereologica, November-December 2000, pages 412–415). See also Mineral Oil.

Vir: http://www.cosmetics...ID=P#petrolatum
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Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.
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#126 sonchika



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Posted 10 February 2007 - 06:52 PM

Čemu verjeti, ko govorijo o škodljivosti paradižnika? Pa škodljivosti tamponov, vložkov, bonbonov in vsega ostalega.
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Z ljubeznijo je kakor s pečenko: čim starejši so zobje, tem mlajša mora biti jagnjetina.


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Posted 10 February 2007 - 08:48 PM

Najbolje vprasat uciteljico kemije ali kakega kemika.. wink.gif
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#128 sonchika



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Posted 11 February 2007 - 07:59 AM

Emega sem nekaj spraševala, pa me je gledal, kot da bi padla z Marsa. smile.gif
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Z ljubeznijo je kakor s pečenko: čim starejši so zobje, tem mlajša mora biti jagnjetina.

#129 Baby



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Posted 14 February 2007 - 08:49 PM

Kaj je to vinyl dimethicone crosspolymer?
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#130 sonchika



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Posted 15 February 2007 - 07:10 AM

silicone slip/film-forming agent. Konsistenca.
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Z ljubeznijo je kakor s pečenko: čim starejši so zobje, tem mlajša mora biti jagnjetina.

#131 Hsul


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Posted 28 February 2007 - 08:31 PM

Tole sem sicer napisal noter pri Pycnogenol Gelu, a se mi zdi da kar paše tudi sem:

- Serves as an emollient, humectant, solvent, and lubricant in personal care products. V glavnem dobra zadeva za kožo.

Butylene glycol
- a common humectant and solubilizer. There has been no documented organ-specific toxicity associated with it. Butanediol is also not a carcinogen.2 It is not a skin sensitizer, and is not considered a skin irritant.

- a thickening agent. Although it can be used in any type of cosmetic product, it is very often found in gel-like formulas. There are no known side effects to this chemical compound.

Triethanolamine (TEA)
- This ingredient is used as a pH balancer in cosmetic preparations. As with any amines, it may have the potential to create nitrosamines, but with the low concentrations used in cosmetic products the chances of that happening is very slim and it is further theorized that nitrosamines cannot penetrate the skin.

Allantoin - a botanical extract of the comfrey plant and is used for its healing, soothing, and anti-irritating properties. Allantoin helps to heal wounds and skin irritations and stimulate growth of healthy tissue.

Aloe Barbadensis
- pozitivnih učinkov aloje je ogromno.

Pinus Maritima - torej izveček iz skorje bora Pinus maritima (Pycnogenol®), ki zgladi vidne gubice na koži in ji povrne elastičnost. Baje zelo močan AOK.

Panthenol (vitamin B5) - a humectant, emollient and moisturizer. It binds to hair follicles readily and is a frequent component of shampoos and hair conditioners (in concentrations of 0.1-1%). It coats the hair and seals its surface, lubricating follicles and making strands appear shiny.

Parabeni - konzervansi.

Tocopheryl Acetate - AOK, telo ga pretvori v vitamin E.

Sodium Hyaluronate - a natural biotic component, widely existing in skin and any other tissue. It has outstanding moisture keeping ability. It is the best component used in cosmetics for moisture keeping in the nature. When applied to the skin it can form an air permeable thin layer and keep the skin smooth and moist, and protect the skin from bacteria, dust, and ultraviolet ray. With low molecular ha penetrating into corium, it will slightly enlarge blood capillaries, speed circulation of blood, improve inter-mediary metabolism and nourishment absorbing ability of skin, thus eliminating wrinkles, increasing skin's elasticity and delaying its aging.
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Evey Hammond: Who are you?
V: Who? Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask.
Evey Hammond: Well I can see that.
V: Of course you can. I'm not questioning your powers of observation I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is.

#132 soraya



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Posted 11 March 2007 - 09:22 AM

QUOTE(Adriane @ 10. 2. 2007 - 17:53) View Post

Ravno to sem mislila vprašat. Zakaj je toliko govora o škodljivosti teh sestavin, ko sem pa sama našla druge opise le-teh? hmm.gif Čemu verjeti? huh.gif

mineral oil. Clear, odorless oil derived from petroleum that is widely used in cosmetics because it rarely causes allergic reactions and can't become a solid and clog pores. Despite mineral oil's association with petroleum and the hype that it is bad for skin, keep in mind that petroleum is a natural ingredient derived from the earth and that once it becomes mineral oil, it has no resemblance to the original petroleum. Cosmetics-grade mineral oil and petrolatum are considered the safest, most nonirritating moisturizing ingredients ever found (Sources: Cosmetics & Toiletries, January 2001, page 79; and Cosmetic Dermatology, September 2000, pages 44–46). Yes, they can keep air off the skin to some extent, but that's what a good antioxidant is supposed to do; they don't suffocate skin! Moreover, mineral oil and petrolatum are known to be efficacious in wound healing, and are also considered to be among the most effective moisturizing ingredients available (Source: Cosmetics & Toiletries, February 1998, pages 33–40). See Paula's article Mineral Oil

vir: http://www.cosmetics...D=M#mineral*oil

Mineral oil

petrolatum. Vaseline is pure petrolatum. For some unknown and unsubstantiated reason, petrolatum has attained a negative image in regard to skin care, despite good research to the contrary. Topical application of petrolatum can help the skin's outer layer recover from damage, reduce inflammation, and generally heal the skin (Source: Acta Dermato-Venereologica, November-December 2000, pages 412–415). See also Mineral Oil.

Vir: http://www.cosmetics...ID=P#petrolatum

Adriane, po moje je najbolje preizkusti izdelek na koži, da vidiš kako reagira. Nekomu zna res mašiti pore, drugemu pa mogoče ravno obratno ( petrolatum can help the skin's outer layer recover from damage, reduce inflammation, and generally heal the skin ).

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#133 Anouk


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Posted 11 March 2007 - 09:45 AM

what you're putting on your lips

emu oil??
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“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in awhile, or the light won't come in.” - A. Alda

#134 Braunkopf


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Posted 25 March 2007 - 03:49 PM

Amonnium lauryl sulfate je nežnejši od sodium lauryl sulfata? Sem mislila da sta oba enako agresivna...
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Vuelvo al Sur,
como se vuelve siempre al amor,
vuelvo a vos,
con mi deseo, con mi temor.

#135 sonchika



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Posted 25 March 2007 - 05:57 PM

Nekje sem brala, da naj bi bil med bolj nežnimi čistilci.
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Z ljubeznijo je kakor s pečenko: čim starejši so zobje, tem mlajša mora biti jagnjetina.


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Posted 05 April 2007 - 02:02 PM

Nekaj nevarnih sestavin v kozmetiki:

-nafta, parafin, silikon, nadomestilo za kakovostan rastlinska olja

- dišave, ki še v manjših količinah lahko povzročajo alergije in dražijo sluznico

-Dietilfalati, koža jih vsrka in tako vpliva na obrambni mehanizem kože

-PEG-derivati, kot emulgatorji povezujejo vodo in maščobo in naredijo kožo bolj prepustno, s tem se škodljive snovi lažje pretihotapijo skozi kožo. V izdelkih jih najdete v kombinaciji črk PEG oz.eth, npr.:Ceteareth-33, Polyglykol, Polysorbat .....

-Halogenorganske spojine so skupina iz več različnih snovi, ki večinoma vsebujejo brom, jod, klor. Povroča alergije, nekatere tudi raka.

-Vprašljivi UV-filtri, koža jih vsrka, dokazani so bili izsledki v materinem mleku /4-MBC , OMC, HMS, OD-PABA. Benzofenon 3 poleg vsega naštetega deluje izredno alergeno.

-Policiklični spoji mošusa, umetne dišave, ki se kopičijo v človeškem maščobnem tkivu, poskusi na živalih oporazarjajo na okvaro jeter.

- Tartazin je registrirano barvilo /za uporabi v hrani -E102 in kozmetiki CI 19140/
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#137 Izgubljena



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Posted 14 May 2007 - 06:26 PM

Komedogenost sestavin
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Kdor hoče videti, mora gledati s srcem. Bistvo je očem nevidno.

#138 Freya_


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Posted 31 May 2007 - 04:34 PM

punce, danes sem kupila novo rdečilo (Gosh), pa me samo zanima če je komedogeno. sicer sem preverila na seznamu samo nisem zihr da mam vse sestavine napisane. smile.gif

Talc. Acacia, Zinc stearate, cetearyl octanoate, Cl 77492, Cl 77491, Cl 77499, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Mica.Cl 77891, Phenoxyethanol, Cl 15850, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, Isobutylparaben
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#139 sonchika



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Posted 01 June 2007 - 05:24 PM

Naj ne bi bil. Samo ima kup parabenov.
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Z ljubeznijo je kakor s pečenko: čim starejši so zobje, tem mlajša mora biti jagnjetina.

#140 Estelle



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Posted 02 June 2007 - 11:20 PM

A obstaja kak puder v prahu, ki ne vsebuje talca?
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